Five reasons why young people need a will

Don’t leave anything to chance

Remember when your parents used to say that you were growing up too fast? And you thought, it’s not fast enough as you could not wait to do all those once you were an adult.

The thing about growing up is that before you know it, you get swamped with mortgages, insurances, paying taxes, superannuation and wedding planning and lots of other things that fill your world.

At Concepts & Results, we’ve made it easy to take care of one of the most important things you’ll ever have: And that is your legacy.

What is your legacy?

In simple terms your legacy is the story of your life and the lasting impression you might leave. Writing a will is your final message and allows you to have a say in how your affairs are managed when the time comes. It’s not always about the money and you might not want to think about it right now, but it’s part of being and adult and responsible and having things  sorted out. At some point, you’ll be glad you did.


7 Reasons Why you should get a will prepared

1. You intend to travel.

It is a sad truth that each year almost 1000 Australians die whilst travelling overseas*, usually through an accident or from illness. Don’t become a statistic, get things sorted by writing a will and preparing your powers of attorney as part of your travel preparations.

2. You are a member of the defence force.

Serving in the defence force can be high risk especially during active service. Anyone of entering the defence force should make a will and prepare powers of attorney documents.

3. You are a member of the police force.

Serving in the police force can also be high risk. Anyone of entering the police force should also make a will and prepare powers of attorney documents.

4. You are working as a tradesman.

Working as a tradesman can involve doing higher risk work. So if you are entering a trade you should make a will and prepare powers of attorney documents.

5. You have an inheritance.

If you have just received an inheritance, then you should have a will that details how to deal with the inheritance after your death.

6. You are active on social media.

Without instructions from you in your will, your family and/or friends won’t know what to do with any photos or documents stored on your social media account or how to manage your social media account in the event of your death.

7. You own an animal.

It is not uncommon for people to include plans for their pets in their wills.  If the unthinkable were to happen and you died unexpectedly, what would happen to your beloved pet?

You don’t want to be a statistic, right? Making a will is something everyone over 18 should do but many people don’t get around to it. More than 50% of Australian adults don’t have a will. Buck the trend, write a will and update it whenever you experience a major life change like starting a family, buying a home or getting married.

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