C&R Financial Services Packages
Each year we provide our financial planning clients the option to renew their Financial Service Package. The Packages help you get traction and keep you moving along your financial journey. Phillip reviews each client’s file and makes his recommendation for the most suitable package for them.

C&R Financial Management Services Guide (FSG)
C&R Financial Management Financial Services Guide The FSG together with the Adviser Profile, are designed to help you get to know better InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd and Authorised Representative Phillip Scandizzo, C&R Financial Management Pty Ltd This guide will explain what to expect and how much you can expect to pay for services.

Concepts & Results Financial Services Guide (FSG)
As best practice we offer to clients our FSG, to help educate, protect and promote honesty and fairness in the industry in which we operate. This guide will explain what to expect and how much you can expect to pay for service.